FLASK - admin-user features-email confirmation- GET POST files to and from user- comment system
Hey bro, got my website coming along well, but wanted to see if youd be willing to work with me to tackle some of these intermediate functions. I think with these added to the functions in the main flask series would be awesome:
user features, email confirmation, GET, POST files to and from user, comment system
I took your advice Im going to be a sole proprietor. I have a fairly simple business model in mind: network with people, sell flat rate website packages with varying features, sell hourly services like maintenance, add page/feature etc. My website will be like a web dev hub to streamline website creation for clients. Costs almost nothing to start so basically a win win.
Anyways so briefly, my web app is like this. Nav: Homepage,services,support,blog, login, register. Dashboard access is login required- on it I have a 4 link data toggle left nav - Status,Projects,Settings,Account. Each of these links toggle a set of tabs in the center of page, with 4 categories in each for different content. Status shows status of server, projects, and Add Content Form for user. Projects shows current projects of the user, Templates, Features, and Preview. Settings is like email or other preferences. Account simply displays user account details.
So while most of my web pages are fairly simple, the magic of my app is in the user oriented dashboard. These are features Id like to be able to add but am having trouble finding examples online: User features (change email/pw, delete account, email confirmation, GET, POST data to and from user, comment system like for blog, or live chat system with the user (not priority). And an Admin user or mods to be able to modify the information and communicate with user (I heard of flask-admin but havent delved into it yet).
I think these are pretty standard functions in a web app and will make my site comprehensive to a basic degree. From there Ill get more complex. Anyways if youd be down to work with me Ill throw you some donations (1-2 hundo if you teach me these skills) and or show you my project or other tricks I found. I use ubuntu 16 now its so much smoother and my apps use python3.5 and all latest mysql etc. I have mod wsgi configured so that each web app is isolated in its own folder in /var/www and each running from its own venv. No system or project conflicts. Very nice. All right Ill talk to you later hit me back if you have free time. If you cant I understand, you must be busy every day with all the sites you run. Anyways thanks again.
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I don't work for donations, but I do contracting work. Unfortunately, my contracting rate is $250/hr and it would definitely be more than an hour to cover all of those bases. I am also booked out to the end of the month currently.
That said, all of the suggestions you have here, unless I am missing something, you already have the skills for if you followed the entire series, you just need to design the system.
I plan to maybe cover something like forums / comments in the future, since those are very general. Maybe a change pw tutorial too. Chat boxes are neat, but not my strong-side. I could make one, but I certainly wouldn't want to teach people the methods I use to hack such a thing together. The same is currently the case for things like forums/comments. I made those things, but my way is messy and not something I should really be teaching people probably. I can do a lot of things in python, but so much of it is just stuff I hack together one day or something, but isn't really high quality.
... that could be probably said about all of my tutorials though too, soooo :P
-Harrison 8 years ago
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Ok thanks much for the answer. Ill try to tackle some of these by digging on the web. Yeah I notice with this post system here, the boxes get progressively smaller the more the replies stack up. Lol a little funky but workable.
Other than that your tutorials are amazing, you explain things perfectly.
-kingfitz 8 years ago
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